Stolthaven Dagenham
The terminal is a COMAH top tier site which can handle a wide range of products with 31 segregated jetty lines to ensure dedicated receipt and delivery systems. The terminal is subject to an extensive refurbishment and expansion plan following recent acquisition by Stolthaven Terminals. Ancillary specialist services include drumming and IBC filling through a modern automated facility and attached warehouse. The site also has its own on-site laboratory staffed from 06:00 to 20:00 hrs to ensure quality control of all movements.
Contact Details
Hindmans Way, Choats Road, Dagenham, Essex RM9 6PU
Terminal Details
No. of Tanks
Total Storage Capacity
Min Capacity
Max Capacity
Range of Products
Gas Oil, Fame, Ethanol and denatured Ethanol, Chemicals, Liquid Fertilizer, White and Mineral Oils
Road, sea
Largest Vessel
228 metres LOA, 45,000 dwt
10 metres